Ts: +38348647067 / +971527226449 /+573125553658 /+41799445544 
Kosovo - Switzerland - Colombia - Austria - United Arab Emirates - United Kingdom - Venezuela - Indonesia       

We are allied entities that are characterized by being the promoters of national and regional economies, and we promoting economic development, so that wealth increases and there is more work for the population.
We encourage the participation of the States, the private initiative and the social sector, so regardless of the purposes pursued by each of the aforementioned sectors, we make sure that a particular objective is met, which is to satisfy the economic need of a population. This objectives companies and persons that lacks the services and financing mechanisms offered by commercial banks, population and market which are not of interest to traditional banks because they are or are considered high risk.

Our participation in the investment, the applicant or owner of the project, must present a bank guarantee accepted by us, which can assignated until it expires in one year, based on that guarantee and the project, and with our credit lines we working in the Stock Exchanges, where our traders work daily to receive dividends hight based and supported on the artificial intelligence of our programs, so we precision obtain the money to invest and finance any project of any amount. If the company or the owners no have from their bank a normal bank guarantee we can help get and put the collateral for the profitable project.
Walberto Montenegro.